I love this post! Thank you so much for getting the brain juices expanding.

AI has definitely been on my mind for many of the reasons you've talked about.

I'm curious...moving towards a "this software will do it for me" do you think this raises our expectations and complacency? Will it also raise our laziness in learning?

Maybe some questions for another post.

Keep up the good work mate.

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Love this question! And thanks for reading!

It’s anyone’s guess, really. I can see a scenario where our expectations outpace our ability to use the tools necessary to create them, yes.

I also see a scenario where AI advancement bends to meet that demand — where AI itself starts to facilitate tailored coaching and training to the user.

Right now, AI is confined by our capacity to direct it. If we don’t know what’s possible, we can’t get there; even with its assistance. It’s generative within the boundaries we’ve set for it.

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